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For all jobs, big and small, you will find a business that can help you here with almost one thousand listings.
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We cover from single one man owner operators, to medium sized contracting companies...
A good number of the companies featured specialise in small domestic jobs using 1.5 ton diggers & small skid steer machines,often referred to as bobcats. Most operate three to ten ton diggers & excavators and twenty ton on the bigger jobs.
Typically these jobs include driveways, landscaping, swimming pools, retaining walls, drainage & footings for residential renovations & building work. Most operators will quote an hourly rate with the digger & many use their own tip trucks or get outside contractors for the cartage.


The civil, farming & construction industry use diggers from 1.5 ton right up to 80 ton....
Most machines have various attachments such as your basic bucket which covers the bulk of digger work. However some operators can also do post hole boring & rock breaking.
Diggers are adaptable to most situations, so don't be afraid to ask for professional advice.
As well as diggers & excavators many of our featured contractors & companies have access to plant & equipment, such as graders, bulldozers, crushers, rollers, tractors etc.

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